Robert's Weekly Column - 19th August 2020 19th August 2020 This time of year is always nerve-wracking for A level and GSCE students, but in this Covid-hit year of 2020, the process was always going to be a particularly... Articles
Robert's Weekly Column - 12th August 2020 12th August 2020 This Saturday as we mark the 75th anniversary of VJ Day it is important we remember all those who served in the Far East and ultimately brought an end to the... Articles
Robert's Weekly Column - 5th August 2020 6th August 2020 Our NHS has been our front line over the past few months, so it is really great news for our town that building work has now begun on the Radiotherapy Unit on... Articles
Wash your hands, cover your face, make space: the next steps in our plan for lockdown measures 31st July 2020 Wash your hands, cover your face, make space. These are the next steps in our plan for lockdown measures. National News
Wash your hands, cover your face, make space: the next steps in our plan for lockdown measures 31st July 2020 National News
Police Forces Bolstered Across England and Wales 30th July 2020 We have announced that over 4,300 police officers have joined the police since we launched our major recruitment drive in September 2019. National News
Robert's Weekly Column - 29th July 2020 29th July 2020 Parliament dissolved for summer recess last week and that means I have the opportunity to spend even more of my time here at home in Swindon, meeting with local... Articles