Voluntary Action Swindon, The Harbour Centre and Threshold Housing have become the latest charities to benefit from a local scheme run by South Swindon MP Robert Buckland
Robert began the ‘Laptops for Local Schools Campaign’ to run alongside the government’s “Get Help With Technology Scheme’ back in January.
The campaign called for local people and businesses to donate unused laptops so that these could be used by children for homeschooling during Covid.
Local businesses, SP Computers and Excalibur Communications took in donated devices and refurbished these ready for pupils to use.
To date, around 60 laptops have been donated to school children in Swindon through this scheme.
In May 2021, Robert decided to extend the successful green scheme so that local charities could also benefit from donated laptops.
Following this, several local charities have now benefited from the scheme following a donation of laptops from Swindon business, Catalent.
“Catalent is delighted to have been able to contribute to the scheme, and help develop the potential of the next generation of innovators and scientists,” commented Peter Allen, General Manager of Catalent’s facility in Swindon.
Peter Boucher, Excalibur Communications CEO, speaking about the scheme said:
“It's great to see that Swindon's Laptops for Local Schools scheme continues to go from strength to strength and that local businesses and the public are continuing to donate equipment to those who need devices. Our own clients have kindly provided equipment and Excalibur is pleased to continue to help refurbish and upcycle equipment as it comes in.”
Pam Webb at Voluntary Action Swindon said:
“We were delighted to benefit from this scheme and the donation of three laptops, these have replaced some very old laptops that could not be upgraded to the latest software. With a significant income drop from our room hire income due to COVID this donation could not have come at a better time for VAS”
Claire Garrett from the Harbour Centre said:
“Laptops are always in demand for our people. Having a suitable device to access the internet and complete coursework can really make the difference between sticking or dropping out of education. Laptops also allow Refugees to take charge of their own work aspirations with CV's, work search and job applications. All of these things are made especially harder when the only device that you have is your mobile phone.”
Speaking about the successful campaign, South Swindon MP Robert Buckland said:
“I am extremely grateful to Catalent, as well as the many local residents who have donated laptops, not to mention the brilliant teams at Excalibur and SP Computers who have stepped up at such a difficult time and repaired hundreds of devices.
“I am calling for more local businesses and residents who have unwanted or unused devices to get in touch so that these can also be put to good use.
“I am also calling for local charities to get in touch if they could benefit from a refurbished device.”
For more information about this campaign, please contact Robert by emailing [email protected] or phone 01793 533393